
Immunotherapy: The Latest Treatment of IgA Nephropathy

In healthy condition, the immune system is a protecting system for our body and the immune cells can eliminate the foreign pathological substance. Hence, our body can keep in a normal and healthy state. However, in some cases, the immune system is initiated improperly. As a result, an antibody called immunoglobulin A (IgA) lodges in glomeruli and affecting their filtering ability gradually. Once the glomeruli are impaired, the patients will present a series of clinical symptoms like proteinuria, hematuria, and high blood pressure and so on. In order to treat IgA Nephropathy radically, it is the key to clearing up the deposited immunoglobulin A and regulating the immune system. The therapeutic mechanism of immunotherapy in the treatment of IgA Nephropathy is as follows:

1. In immunotherapy, blocking immune activation can prevent the immunoglobulin A from lodging in glomeruli further.

2. As the deposited immunoglobulin A is the underlying cause of glomerular inflammation, blood purification technique is applied to clear up the abnormal immunoglobulin A in blood.

3. In the immune regulation of immunotherapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can degrade the deposited the immune complexes and discharge them out of body when urinating. Meanwhile, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy also can regulate the immune system and enhances the self-clearance ability of the body.

4. As the immune complexes immunoglobulin A has impaired renal cells, to improve the renal function, it is very important to restore the damaged cells. On one hand, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can dilate blood vessels and increase the oxgen, blood and micronutrients supply to kidneys thus enhancing the self-repairing of the diseased cells. On the other hand, the infusion of stem cells can replace the totally necrotic cells with new ones. Therefore, the renal function will improve enormously and even recover normal.

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