
Can Diet Pills Cause Kidney Disease

Can diet pills cause kidney disease? Yes, some diet pills really causes kidney damages and even some of them develop into kidney failure finally.

Of the overweight and obese patients with kidney disease included in the survey, 50 percent reported that they had attempted to lose weight in the past year. The survey showed that, on average, obese Americans with kidney disease consume protein in amounts that are above the recommended levels prescribed by the National Kidney Foundation for chronic kidney disease patients.

The typical American diet each day includes approximately 1.2g of protein per kilogram of body weight. Patients with CKD are advised to consume 0.6g to 0.75g protein per kilogram of body weight each day and popular high-protein diets may call for up to 1.9g per kilogram of body weight.

Thereby, you are not suggested to take excessive or strong diet pills. If you happen to be a person with kidney disease, you’d better never try it. If you have to, maybe Chinese herbs are a good choice for its side-effects-free function.

Expert Online