
What Risks Will IgA Nephropathy Bring to Me: ARF,Hypertension,NS,ESRD

Latent Risks of IgA Nephropathy

IgA Nephropathy is asymptomatic. Even though it is progressing, you may not feel too many discomforts. However, latent risks may be invading your kidneys. Patients may develop one or more of the following risks.

High Blood Pressure, as its alternative name, may result from the long-term deposits of IgA in mesangial area. In the contrary, high blood pressure will further aggravate the damage to your kidneys.

Nephrotic Syndrome
Without successful control, IgA Nephropathy will hurt glomeruli persistently, which may cause a group of kidney problems to occur, including high blood pressure, edema, low blood protein levels and high cholesterol, which are known as Nephrotic Syndrome.

ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease)
With IgA Nephropathy progressing, damages accumulate in glomeruli, thus kidney will fail to work well. This leads to ESRD on the way. Surely you need dialysis for temporary fix or keep waiting in the waiting list for kidney donate.

Chronic Renal Failure.
Without timely control of IgA deposits in human body, your kidney will lose its function gradually. In this condition, you maybe the candidate of dialysis or even kidney transplant for survival.

Acute Renal Failure.
With deposits of IgA accumulating, your kidneys may lose its ability to filter your blood, thus waste products and toxins may build up in your blood, which triggers Acute Renal Failure. In such cases, you may undergo hemodialysis for instant removal of body toxins.

Even though IgA Nephropathy progress slowly, latent risk may be already on it way. In order to avoid such dangers and get a better prognosis, please take actions in the remedy of IgA Nephropathy as soon as possible. 

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