Is IgA Nephropathy Difficult to Cure
It can take months or years to treat IgA Nephropathy, but many suffers only find that some of their chronic symptoms never totally go away. Why dose IgA Nephropathy is difficult to cure?
● Low immunity. IgA Nephropathy is a kind of special immune deficiency. Patients have a lower immunity than normal patients. They are so weak in preventing virus invasion that any ailment can be threatener for aggravation.
● Unexplained cause. The cause of IgA Nephropathy is not known yet by far. What has been found is only that the deposits of IgA immune complex in mesangial area cause renal disorder to occur. Nobody can explain clearly how IgA immune complex deposits here. Medical doctors fail to prevent IgA Nephropathy taking place. But now what we can do is to remit the renal disorder and stop its persistent deterioration.
● Unsuccessful treating method. In most countries, people with IgA Nephropathy take their doctor’s advice to use hormone medications. However, hormone only can remit your symptoms, such as blood or protein in urine, but it fails to improve your renal function. In fact, many patients and doctors know clearly about that, but they can find another useful treating method in their own counties.
● Relapse. IgA Nephropathy is characterized with easy relapse. It is can be triggered by any inducing agents, such as cold, fatigue, infection, inflammation, bleeding, long-term hormones and so on .
Even though IgA Nephropathy is so difficult to cure, it is possible to be cured on the condition that choosing a right treatment at the early stage. It is much more efficient to risk over-treating it at the early stage than to have to treat it more extensively later.www.igasite.com