Cold, Flu and IgA Nephropath
Cold and Flu are the common cause of IgA Nephropathy Relapse.
Why does IgA Nephropathy cause the relapse?
IgA Nephropathy refers to the disorder of immunity, so patients have no strong resistance for cold virus. With virus arrive at human body, it can mix together with abnormal IgA and form into antigen-antibody immune complex. Through the carriage of blood stream, immune complex can accumulate in mesangial area and damage glomerular basilar membrane, which makes red blood cells and proteins leak out. Therefore, patients undergo Hematuria or Proteinuria again.
What should you do with such annoying cold?
Whether and you can take pills and which medicine you can choose against common cold depend on your own condition.
◆ If you are accompanied with tonsillar enlargement, please communicate with your doctor, he will decide whether tonsillectomy should be take on the basis of its severity.
◆ If you are taking hormone, you are not to advise to take any cold medicine. You need to go to hospital, for you possibly get concurrent infection.
◆ If you are out of hormones, there is no taboo in cold medicines generally. But you should under the condition of normal level in creatinine. If your creatinine level is elevated, any medicines to take should be with the permission of your doctor.
In addition, any medication which is toxic for kidney should be avoided. In fact, modern medicines have a swift improvement in symptoms of IgA Nephropathy, but they hardly work for remedying renal function. This is the root cause for a cold can trigger relapse of Hematuria or Proteinuria. Contact Mail: kidneyask@hotmail.com