
Treatment Options for Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome

Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome is protein excretion of more than 40 mg/m2/h. Because 24-hour urine collections are potentially unreliable and burdensome, especially in young children, many pediatric nephrologists instead rely on a single, first-morning urine sample to quantify protein excretion by the ratio of protein to creatinine.
To control the symptoms, like proteinuria in Children, the conventional treatment may include:

● Medicines, such as angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors andangiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), to reduce the amount of protein lost in the urine, lower blood pressure, and slow the progress of the disease.
● Corticosteroids, such as prednisone or prednisolone, to reduce swelling.
● Diuretics are used to reduce fluid buildup in the body and help with reducing sodium, water and potassium.
● Salt-free albumin given through a vein. Albumin helps remove extra fluid from the tissues.

First treatment can take effects and control the symptoms in 6 to 15 weeks. However, as these conservative treatments fail to affect the underlying kidney damages, your children may need ongoing therapy which may last for months or years, or even for the rest of life. The treatment duration depends on how severe your children’s symptoms are. Another question is that various side effects, such as obesity, abnormal sexual development, short figure, vomiting etc, may come along with the long-term use of hormone therapy.

To avoid the side effects for your children’s nephrotic syndrome, Chinese herbal remedy may benefit your children a lot. Herbal remedy comes from natural plants and herbs, which causes no major side effects. When ingredients of herbs arrive at body, they can help repair the kidney damages and improve kidney function and your children will not depend on the natural therapy for his rest of life. When his impaired kidneys are repaired, the treatment can be stopped. The herbal formula varies from person to person. Some of our experts are major in herbs for Nephrotic Syndrome in Children.

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