
Pediatric IgA Nephropathy Relapse

Why pediatric IgA Nephropathy easily relapse? It connects with what treatment you choose for you children, how well your children’s immunity and children fails to take care themselves.

What treatments do you choose for your children?

Many parents choose hormone medications for their children. Hormone treatment can eliminate relative symptoms of pediatric IgA Nephropathy swiftly, but it needs strict rules in dosage. Many children are troubled with relapse again and again, because their parents fail to obey their doctor’s strict rules seriously. You can’t let your children reduce or stop drugs, when you find the disappear of proteinuria or hematuria in your children. Otherwise, you will take another risk in aggravating your children’s condition.
Another reason for relapse with hormone treatment is that hormone only focuses on eliminating corresponding symptoms of Pediatric IgA Nephropathy, which actually derives from the damage of glomerular filter membrane. Ask your doctor to make some therapies in repairing the filter function of glomeruli, your children may have a better remedy from relapse.

How well about your children’s immunity?

Pediatric IgA Nephropathy is a kind of immune deficiency, which damage your children’s immunity against infection and virus. This is another reason for frequent relapse. Even a slight infection, a cold, a wound can call back the onset. You should prevent your children from these factors. Meantime, take useful measures to improve your children’s immunity, such as exercise, proper diet and supplement vitamins.

Your children fail to take care of themselves.
Many children patients are too young to take care of themselves. Sometime, they lose their attention on the change of symptoms, such as the increase or reduction of urine protein, urine blood etc. Patients should remind them to tell their discomforts at first time. Meantime, keep an eye on their daily habits which may be the triggers of the relapse.

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