
Chinese Herbal Remedy For End Stage of Kidney Disease

The natural treatment for ESRD—Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy:

● Micro-Chinese Medicine is abstracted from the Chinese herbs, without any side-effect. This is the oldest traditional medicines in our country, like acupuncture.

● All kidney disease is caused by the renal fibrosis, which means the blood can’t flow in the vessels. Chinese Medicine can dilate blood vessels, increase the blood flow volume in the renal lesion.

● Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is not an operation, without any pain. Chinese Medicine is superfine shattered like powder, they are putted into small bags and heated for 45 minutes, and then we put these small bags on the two sides of kidneys according to the Acupuncture Points. What’s more, this process can be achieved with the help of osmosis device, so Chinese Medicine can get into renal lesion effectively.

● The effective substance can repair the damaged renal cells, and clear the immune complex in the human body. After adopting Chinese Medicine for 3-5 days, the urine color can be changed obviously.

●Chinese Medicine has the function of anti-coagulation, anti-inflammatory,prevent thrombus,degradation.

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